Sunday, September 30, 2012

Healthy Foods


Whole foods have many benefits over processed foods. Processed foods are typically loaded with artificial additives, sugar and salt. In addition, the processing usually strips them of many of the vitamins and minerals essential for good health.

Avoid: White Pasta

Choose: Brown pasta, wholegrain pasta, wheat free pasta, gluten free pasta.

Avoid: White flour and bread

Choose: Whole meal bread and flour, oatcakes, rice cakes, pumpernickel.

Avoid: White rice

Choose: Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, bulgur wheat, couscous, oats.

Avoid: Sugar sweets, cakes, biscuits.

Choose: Fruit - either natural or dried.

All processed meals should be avoided. Instead, cook meals using fresh natural ingredients (organic where possible).


Eating dairy is positively implicated in weight loss. In addition, dairy has been shown to help remove fat from your digestive system. However, many dairy foods are also high in fat - the key is therefore to choose low fat dairy products. Good choices include skimmed (non-fat) milk, low fat cheese, live organic yogurt, soya cheese, and tofu. Watch out also for high sugar levels in most brand named yogurts.


It has been known that a high consumption of red meat has been linked to various diseases, and many cuts are also high in saturated fat. It is therefore important to limit your intake of red meat. However, fresh fish contains high levels of essential fatty acids, which have been shown to protect against many diseases, including heart disease. You should integrate white meats and fish, especially herrings, mackerel, salmon and sardines into your diet as best you can.


Fresh fruit and vegetables are low in calories and high in fibre, vitamins, minerals and water, and should therefore form a large part of your diet. In addition, raw foods have been shown to improve energy, vitality and well being.


These are required by the body for optimum health. They are found in cold pressed oils, (safflower, walnut, olive and sunflower), nuts, seeds, avocados and fish oils. It is recommended that you avoid processed oils and margarine, especially hydrogenated oils.

See my article on "Good Fats and Bad Fats" for more information.


Maintaining a good level of hydration is vital. The best choice is water, mineral water, herbal teas, and diluted fruit juices. Popular drinks such as tea, coffee and soda all contain additives such as sugar and caffeine and are best used in moderation.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Diet Soda Dangers: Is It True Diet Soda Can Be Dangerous?

Sugar-Free Soda Dangers Were Unknown 50 Years Ago

I grew up drinking soft drinks. They were easy to transport and our major source of liquids on hot, summery Northern California days. My grandparents allowed my mother to drink a soda right before bed and now my mom suffers from obesity and severe tooth damage. We weren't allowed to drink soft drinks before bed (thank goodness!), but I don't remember much restriction. As a teenager, I never had any problems with my weight, but I have had a lot of dental work.

As I aged weight definitely became more of an issue and sodas are an everyday part of life, so I thought.
There is a lot of research on overweight and obese people consuming soda. Research has also shown that drinking soda with artificial sweeteners can affect how you perceive calories and within a day you may ingest more calories than if you drank regular soda. Sadly, my mom drinks diet soda daily and she is in this category.

Two Studies Showing Diet Soda Dangers

A study presented to the American Diabetes Association shows that drinking sugar-free soda is associated with a wider waist in humans. A second study shows that an artificial sweetener in diet soda actually raises blood sugar in mice prone to diabetes.

In the first study, the height, weight, waist measurement and diet soda consumption was measured for elderly people in San Antonio. After 9 1/2 years, the diet soda drinkers had a waist measurement 70% greater than the regular soda drinkers. And people who drank the most diet soda, at least 2 cans a day, had waist measurements 500% greater than those who didn't drink any diet soda.

The mice didn't fare any better in the second study. After 3 months of adding aspartame to the diabetes-prone mice, they had higher glucose-blood readings than the mice not fed aspartame.

Aspartame, a Component of Diet Soda Dangers

Aspartame was discovered in 1965 by a scientist trying to make a new ulcer drug, and approved in 1981 for use as a sweetener. Aspartame is 160 - 200 times sweeter than sugar. Dr. Robert Walton surveyed the studies of aspartame. He states that of the 166 relevant studies, 74 had aspartame related funding and 92 were independently funded. One hundred percent of the research performed by the company who makes aspartame confirmed aspartame's safety, whereas 92% of the independently funded research found problems with consuming aspartame. H.J. Roberts, MD, reports that by 1998, aspartame products were the cause of 80% of complaints to the FDA about food additives. Some of these symptoms include headache, dizziness, cramps, seizures, memory loss, and fatigue. While the FDA has assured us that the research does not show any adverse health complications from aspartame, there are studies to the contrary.

Another Component In Diet Soda Dangers

Another problem is the possibility of leaching calcium from the bones due to the carbonation in sodas. A rise in calcium deficiencies and bone fractures has been linked to soft drink consumption in girls and leaves them at risk for broken bones and osteoporosis later in life. Phosphoric acid can link to calcium and magnesium, reports Arizona Advanced Medicine, depleting these vital minerals.

It's a three step process: *

1. The carbonation irritates the stomach. 
2. The stomach "fixes" the irritation with calcium (an antacid) 
3. The blood pulls calcium from the bone to replenish calcium levels.

Diet Soda Dangers, Really Are Bad For You

If you can't stop drinking diet soda altogether, try small changes. Quit drinking diet sodas for 3 days, then a week.

Drink lots of water. Take your weight and divide by 2. The result is the amount of water you should be drinking every day. If you are 180 pounds, you would drink 90 ounces of water daily. If you are not used to drinking plain water, you could add a squeeze of fresh lemon for flavor.

Realize that sodas are addictive. Check the ingredient list in jams, salad dressings, yogurt, breath mints for aspartame or other artificial sweeteners. Minimize the portion size or completely omit those foods. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables instead. After a month of eliminating sodas and artificial sweeteners you should be feeling better and find it easy to resist their attraction. Definitely, Diet Sodas are dangerous and harmful to your health.

* Mind Connection - Dr. Mercola

Cynthia Simmons is a Weight Management Consultant. She recently found a wonderful solution to her long term weight problem. She has personally helped many people manage their weight loss safely without drugs or being hungry. Her long-term goal is to build a team of happy, healthy people to share this life-saving information with others suffering from the same weight problems she had.